Trimalyzer is a general purpose BLM/INT trim analyzer for antique GM ECMs (and perhaps others)
It will help you easily process the fueling corrections from your datalogs and apply them to your tune quickly and easily.
It works exclusively with CSV (comma seperated value) logs that can be exported from Datamaster, TunerPRO, EEHack, Scan9495, AldlDroid and many other tuning utilities, based on an automatic field detection routine that can be easily overridden.
It analyzes the data based on some automatically detected (and user configurable) filters, such as “when TPS > 0%” and “when closed loop is active”, and organizes the data for quick analysis and deployment into various table formats. Trim data can be classic 128-based or percentage, or any arbitrary format.
After parsing your log into a common format, a set of fueling corrections suitable for a VE table are generated.
By default, a new algorithm that uses a type of distance geometry between data points to scale weighted averages will allow more advanced and realistic relationships between data points and VE cells, to get your fueling nailed down more quickly and with smoother results, even in areas which there is very little log data.
Traditional analysis methods that use square cell borders will also be available, with optional hysteresis for better coverage and more accuracy.
Results can be customized, with different display types, table sizes, axis configuration, etc.
After copying a VE table from software such as TunerPRO, one click will apply those corrections to the table in your clipboard, and they can be pasted back into your tuning software, applying the changes in seconds.
Please help test it out!
Download the Windows version here:
Download “Trimalyzer Beta” – Downloaded 25073 times – 8.95 MBTrimalyzer is open source, GPL, and written with C++ and QT. The current source is available on github.