Running average history table analysis (no record filtering capability)
Can tweak ANY engine parameter available in the mode 4 message (like eehack), but only to fixed pre-defined values in ADX, and new commands clear all previous ones. Requires datasheets and manual configuration, so difficult to use for many practical purposes.
Wideband input no problem (requires raw configuration, knowledge of datastream, and some math)
.. It also edits bins!
Free! (And open source) (beer money appreciated)
Highly portable, Windows version is well supported and tested but can run on Linux or MacOS with some work. Source code available.
Displays and logs a huge variety of parameters, including some that can be patched in, such as Target AFR. No ABS/SIR codes at this time. “Fast” mode with increased acq rate available.
‘Dashboard’ display for common parameters plus four user-defined parameters, as well as tabs with all data listed in table format, with optional ‘view level’ filters.
Real-time testing. Temporarily skew timing advance in real-time for ‘by feel’ tuning or research, either manually or automatically with 3×3 map/rpm “AutoSpark” table. Temporarily set forced AFR target, arbitrary idle target or iac steps, closed loop, BLM learn, fans, auto trans geras, TCC, etc. in real time
Disable arbitrary injectors per-cylinder manually, or run an automated test that estimates cylinder balance.
Wideband O2 input two-point arbitrary configuration, presets, and optional smoothing, both using AC pressure and another unused pin.
Onboard notepad with limited parameter snapshotting
Full-time data recorder with optional log stacking. If you’re connected, you’re logging, all the time.
Proprietary log format for storing logs (stores extended data) or CSV data output format.
Custom ‘raw’ command insertion with automatic checksum and length calculation, single-shot or loop mode
Two large synchronized anti-aliased graphs. Can highlight graph areas with binary values such as closed loop enabled, wide open throttle, fan on, etc.
Very fast static parametric ‘one-click’ fuel and knock analyzer suite:
Global coolant or timestamp restrictions
Cellular BLM/INT trims or wideband REAL average in both VE MAP/RPM and MAF AFGS scope
Power enrichment analysis in rpm vs map
o2 performance analyzer
Seperate idle trim bank display
BLM population and range analysis
Reads and sets arbitrary VIN to any 17 digit string and CAL ID
Flash READ with or without RAM section
Flash WRITE with optional T/E side selection, bin compare feature with auto-save, 0xFF compression, aggressive failure recovery, and passive datalog-enhancing patch insertion
… More.
TTS Datamaster
Is now discontinued and unsupported
Retails for approx $120
Logs all useful engine data
Logs all useful transmission data
Custom RAW parameter definition, for widebands etc
Simple ‘running average’ BLM histogram analyzer
Clears DTC codes
Retrieves VIN number
Saves CSV logs (configurable)
Simple 4 channel data graph (Small)
Classic program works well on very old PCs, but no longer supported and has trouble on newer versions of windows…
2 thoughts on “Comparsion of $EE Dataloggers”