Just a preview of what I’m working on with the next EEHack. This is really fresh code, but if you’d like to try it, it seems pretty stable! http://fbodytech.com/eehack-2/beta/
EEHack has always been a single-threaded program, meaning events happen in a strict sequence. This is easy to program, but can perform in a sub-optimal way in some situations, and really makes timing of operations a bitch.
The new version of EEHack has a well-isolated and almost completely non-blocking datastream interaction thread, meaning even slow computers should get exceptionally fast and consistent logging speeds, and there’s less of a chance of anything getting in the way of things like flash writes or timing advange modifications.
User Interface
EEHack was written around a single gigantic window class from hell, making it nearly impossible to grow any further without serious rework.
The new version of EEHack was rewritten with modularity in mind, with seperate modules like ‘datalogging’ and ‘controlling’ and ‘flashing’ that have no direct interactions with each other, but share a common datastream and datalog set.
Log Management
Older versions of EEHack dealt with multiple logs by simply appending one to the other. This worked very well for feeding the analyzer large amounts of data, but made multiple logs hard to work with. The new version will have a log selection interface to deal with this issue.
Lessons learned..
Even if you think a program will never grow, write it from the ground up like it will.
Look how much work it took after-the-fact to implement threading, log management, and ui segmentation!!!
Good job, keep it on!