If you’re just looking at tuning your LT1 and having trouble deciding what tools to use, or what to do, this discussion on gearhead-efi started by a new tuner might be worth a read, or go ahead and join the conversation.
Hey how you doing I been trying to figure out this tuning stuff for my camaro and I can’t figure out how to flash a tune into my pcm I’ve downloaded everything you listed to go with tunerpro rt and I can see the tune and adjust stuff but it won’t flash back into the pcm it keeps saying there’s a error on t-side and I’ve already corrupted one pcm.. I’ve also tryd to download bins you have here and they won’t flash so any help would be much appreciated..
I’d say there’s probably a problem with your cable, do you get any errors while datalogging?
No everything works fine I can datalog on eehack and tuner pro and scan 9495… it won’t even let me download the bin you share on here
I dont know how or where to post a comment on the auto-tuning, but how can i get the lopey idle option? thanks
Battery voltage has to be right. The pcm is very sensitive. I use tunercat and have had intermittent problems because the engine is sitting on the floor and I am using an older battery to power it up.
Out of curiosity, what temps do fans come on for your Free Tuning bin where it says “stock thermostat but lower fan temps anyway – recommended”?
Same here everything works with data log, was able to DL stock bin from ecm, then ive made a couple attempts on a couple of ecm at flashing my tune on. went through the whole process of erasing E an T side just fine, then when writing the tune finished an got “cant get the security key seed mode 13, giving up.” with injectors an fuel pump pulsing with a no start. not quite sure what it could be. 2 ecm both with same results. think it could be the cable? bought off ebay said it was compatible with tunerpro something about a 10k ohm resister compatible