EEHack 3.5 – Flash Write & Wideband

New release of EEHack is ready.

Among other things, I think we can consider this the first release of my FREE LT1 flash tool!

I’ve put a lot of time into this flashing routine, and although I’d not officially recommend it to poor LT1 users that only have one car or one ECM yet (just in case a bug pops up) I think it’s ready for public use. Also, try reading a bin first, before writing your first bin!

About the Flash Routine

This flash tool has a ‘take any long shot to save your ecm’ philosophy to error recovery, which, on any unrecoverable error, tries its best to regain control, erase the chip again, and start over. It also tries to verify your serial connections integrity before even trying to do anything.

It also features single-sided flash, which will flash the e-side or t-side only if desired. It can also conveniently compare your old bin to your new one, to determine which parts need to be flashed. This potentially cuts flash time and risk in half if you’ve only made a small change or two!

This is a big deal to people tuning on a budget, as with a free copy of TunerPRO (Non-RT) and my EEX XDF file, you can have the most advanced tuning and analysis platform for your 94-95 LT1 for only the cost of an ALDL cable (I’m working on making that cheaper too….)

Not 100% sure on this, but perhaps now the 94-95 LT1 is the cheapest GM car to tune EVER!

Wideband Enhancements

This new EEHack release is also important to people with widebands. It has an additional analyzer feature to plot wideband readings in cruising range, a commonly requested feature.

Also has a brand new wideband input on a dedicated pin so you don’t have to use the a/c input hack anymore!


Let me know how it works out. As always, use at your own risk.


Full list of changes here.

EEHack 3.5 Beta 11

Major changes to flash write:

– Better progress and error logging
– Better initial programming upload logic
– Safe flash cancellation (obviously it won’t allow you to bail during flashing itself)

Hope this does the trick!

EDIT: Flash READ is broken in this release. I’ll fix it before official release. But flash WRITE seems to be working fine!

(Download removed pending new release)

EEHack 3.5 – 9th Beta

Write support seems to be getting a bit more viable, I’ve given up on single-sided write for the moment, and I think I might have found the autospark bug.

Users experiencing problems with autospark or willing to try flash write, please try this release out and get back to me!

There is a new debug log window in the advanced tab that produces output that may help me if anything goes wrong, but it slows stuff down so you have to enable it manually.

(Download removed due to later version)

EEHack and Windows 10 Bugs

Some users are finding problems with Windows 10 and EEHack, especially the autospark system.

For the time being, please run EEHack in ‘Compatibility Mode’ if you use Windows 10, and avoid the autospark system.

I’ll try to install Win 10 in a virutal machine and track down the problem before the next release.

Manual Transmission Timing Stabilization

A glitch in EE causes huge timing anomalies in the following state:

  • Manual transmission
  • Closed TPS
  • Deceleration
  • Operation below 1600 rpm (or 1400 rpm on y-bodies)

Anyone with a manual transmission should really read this document and apply this important timing fix!

Thanks to Solomon for testing and reminding me about this pain in the ass bug, and kur4o for his assistance in finding the table in question.

Flash almost ready!

I’ve tested flash write capability with some success. I won’t release it officially until it’s tested a bit more completely, but we’re very close to having the first FREE ecm programming tool for this platform.

It also selectively writes t-side or e-side, meaning small changes could take half as long to flash (and carry half as much risk).

If you want to try the latest beta and risk your ECM, here you go, let me know how it works out!

[Download not found]

Stay tuned…

New Site

Old site – ugly and hard to maintain, and nowhere to comment or post anything.

This site – took 5 minutes to make with wordpress.
