2017 Status

Just a note to say hi to those who visit this site, and use all of the tools I’ve written such as EEHack and Trimalyzer, so you know I haven’t given up on you.

I haven’t owned a GM fuel injected vehicle in some time now, I drive an old bone stock Toyota these days, and focus my tuning on my bikes, but I’m definitely interested in maintaining the resources on this site, and making small updates and bug fixes to the software.

I’d also like to express my appreciation for the continuing donations made by the loyal users of my software, who have validated my original model of totally free software for LT1 hobbyists.

A voluntary donation model does actually result in some reasonable income, there’s no need to charge for software.  I feel good that nobody has ever had to steal EEHack from a torrent site and maybe get a virus, and that all users are able to access it regardless of whether they can afford it or not, while many people who feel I deserve it definitely end up paying their share to compensate me for my time, and after the few years I’ve been working on this stuff, I do feel that I’ve been more than fairly compensated for all of the time (many hundreds of OCD programming/testing hours) I’ve put in.  So thank you!

People tuning LT1s definitely should join gearhead-efi.com, as that’s where most of the decent antique GM tuners still hang out.

Thanks everyone for your support, flying the LT1 flag, and good luck with your projects.

If there’s anything I can ever do, just ask.

Trimalyzer Evolving

Trimalyzer is working very well these days.

It supports multiple trim input and output formats, alters tables copied to the clipboard, has custom table definitions, diverse dictionary support, and can even analyze non-trim log data such as wideband AFR.

Might be time for you to give it a shot

New Analyzer

I’m writing a new fueling analyzer, similar to the one used in EEHack.

Such an analyzer allows you to load massive amounts of log data, and generate a map of reasonable fueling corrections to be applied to a VE or MAF table.

Right now, this is commonly done on hand-made spreadsheets, which lack advanced filtering and are difficult for people not familiar with spreadsheets.

Basically, a good BLM analyzer will almost ‘auto-tune’ most regular driving ranges.  EEHack users already benefit from this, and my new program will allow everyone else to do it.

This will…

  • … be a standalone program
  • Work with CSV log files from ANY sane datalogging software, including tunerpro, scan9495, and datamaster.
  • Be a one-click solution for common configurations, or very easy to adapt to uncommon masks and logs

Stand by as I get a beta ready, and watch this thread:


EEHack 4.7 Release

Released the latest version as 4.7 (forget that minor version stuff!)

More stable, better tooltips, more settings, etc.

Download it now!

  • Fix bug that prevented ‘silence extra modules’ setting from working
  • Fix bug that sometimes prevented ‘dump ram’ setting from working
  • Stop counting errors during initial connection (unnatural serial events may be normal…)
  • Allow crazy values in linear voltage to AFR mapping (for lambada or edge cases)
  • Seperate left and right BLM values in the closed loop performance analyzer
  • Fix some tooltips and stuff
  • Parameter selector now defaults to ‘Extended’
  • Add option to always draw the dashboard
  • Tabs in settings to make room for more settings in the future

EEHack 4.5 Beta

Working on a new version, it’s almost ready…..

The biggest changes are multi-message support and a less rigid data model for parameters.

In short, eehack can now extract more data.


I’d come to realize that eehack was fairly limited in that respect.  I’d tried to focus on parameters only useful for average tuners so you weren’t overwhelmed with a bunch of bells and whistles, and so I wasn’t overwhelmed trying to maintain such a large dataset, meaning EEHack suffered in its ability to diagnose problems, or deal with unique situations.

Now, instead of just few dozen parameters available in a fixed dashboard, we have dynamically generated tabs full of clean, extensible data!


… I kept the ol’ dashboard alive, though.

Even though over 1,000 hand written parameters are in there (yes, I spent a long time on this definition file), there’s a simple view filter so you don’t have to scroll through a whole bunch of data to find what you’re looking for.

I kept the definition fairly simple for people that want to try modifying parameters themselves, your favorite spreadsheet software should do the trick.  People wanted three decimal places for the MAF AFGS.  Fine, add it yourself.  Add decimal places, change names, whatever you like, eehack will mostly cooperate with you.

EEHack now reads everything from onboard electrical diagnostic chip output to the corvette-only transitional OBD-II junk.

The other big news is thanks to kur4o’s hacking of the e-side, we can leverage this new expandable device and message independent data model in combination with the passive patching during flash system to get a new message from the e-side (the e-side usually doesn’t like talking).

… Don’t understand what this means?

Basically, not only does EEHack now rip the existing datastream apart, it also has all sorts of parameters available from the ‘other motherboard’ that weren’t even possible to access before.  There’s cool stuff over there.  Things like individual spark constructs, VE lookup results.. we’re working on more.

Unfortunately, the move to multi-messages means your old logs wont load, but the good news is the new log format is much more compact and awesome, it is half the size, and stores vin, calibration id, patch version, and much more.

Give it a shot if you’re brave… and please help me test all these new features.  Official release will be soon.

(download removed)

EEHack 4.1 Released

EEHack’s 4.1 release is now out!

For those of you running 4.0, hopefully the automatic version notification worked, and this notice won’t even be necessary…

Highlights include improvements to the graphing module, the knock analyzer module, and some minor tune-ups to flash write timing to decrease the chance that errors will occur.

This release is also important as I’ve changed the way font sizes are displayed.  Some users with modern high dpi displays with enlarged fonts found the program unusable.  This should help a lot.

See the full list of changes, or go download it!