Trimalyzer updated

I recently went and fixed (the totally broken) arbitrary input mode for trimalyzer.

What arbitrary input mode does is take a tool designed to analyze BLM trims and allow it to analyze ‘whatever’ vs rpm vs map.  I’d originally added it so people could analyze their wideband AFRs against their VE table, but you could really use it for a lot of things..

Willing to add other stuff to trimalyzer if anyone has any suggestions..

2017 Status

Just a note to say hi to those who visit this site, and use all of the tools I’ve written such as EEHack and Trimalyzer, so you know I haven’t given up on you.

I haven’t owned a GM fuel injected vehicle in some time now, I drive an old bone stock Toyota these days, and focus my tuning on my bikes, but I’m definitely interested in maintaining the resources on this site, and making small updates and bug fixes to the software.

I’d also like to express my appreciation for the continuing donations made by the loyal users of my software, who have validated my original model of totally free software for LT1 hobbyists.

A voluntary donation model does actually result in some reasonable income, there’s no need to charge for software.  I feel good that nobody has ever had to steal EEHack from a torrent site and maybe get a virus, and that all users are able to access it regardless of whether they can afford it or not, while many people who feel I deserve it definitely end up paying their share to compensate me for my time, and after the few years I’ve been working on this stuff, I do feel that I’ve been more than fairly compensated for all of the time (many hundreds of OCD programming/testing hours) I’ve put in.  So thank you!

People tuning LT1s definitely should join, as that’s where most of the decent antique GM tuners still hang out.

Thanks everyone for your support, flying the LT1 flag, and good luck with your projects.

If there’s anything I can ever do, just ask.

Integrator Bug in Trimalyzer

Previous versions of Trimalyzer didn’t really work with INT values very well, since I completely botched a conversion (missed a move from 100% to 0%)

The latest version (1.0b+) fixes this issue.

Users of previous versions should open the ‘advanced settings’ dialog and ‘reset to defaults’ to fully correct the issue as well…

Trimalyzer Evolving

Trimalyzer is working very well these days.

It supports multiple trim input and output formats, alters tables copied to the clipboard, has custom table definitions, diverse dictionary support, and can even analyze non-trim log data such as wideband AFR.

Might be time for you to give it a shot