EEHack 4.2 is out!
This version is much more stable during flash procedures, and has quite a few bug fixes.
EEHack 4.2 is out!
This version is much more stable during flash procedures, and has quite a few bug fixes.
This is a major release candidate, with many important fixes in the flash routine and in operational timing.
It flashes faster than ever, and fixes various small bugs.
I’ve been informed that the indicators (closed loop, fans, etc) are not working in 4.1.
A 4.2 beta has been posted that fixes this (and other bugs). It also flashes reaally quickly compared to the old versions……. It will be released soon.
EEHack’s 4.1 release is now out!
For those of you running 4.0, hopefully the automatic version notification worked, and this notice won’t even be necessary…
Highlights include improvements to the graphing module, the knock analyzer module, and some minor tune-ups to flash write timing to decrease the chance that errors will occur.
This release is also important as I’ve changed the way font sizes are displayed. Some users with modern high dpi displays with enlarged fonts found the program unusable. This should help a lot.
See the full list of changes, or go download it!
New betas will now be posted on this separate page. As usual, use at your own risk.
The new version of EEHack is (probably) stable enough to use!
It records, modifies, tunes, analyzes, graphs, and flashes your LT1 in almost every conceivable way to help you nail the perfect tune more quickly.
This thing is now a monster with many tens of thousands of lines of code, and exponentially more features than any LT1 datalogging utility on the market, for free.
I worked hard on this one. Just a small sample of stuff I’ve done (there’s TONS more, see changelog and features & screenshots):
This thing clobbers commercial LT1 dataloggers now, if you use the ‘donate’ button in the about tab and throw me a few bucks, I’d appreciate it a lot!
I’d like to take a moment and thank everyone that’s recently pitched in a few bucks to my paypal beer/carparts fund, and mostly from the gearhead-efi crew. Some donations have been especially generous.
I know that none of us LT1 folks are rich, especially after dumping so much into keeping these beat up old sports cars running. Every time I get an email that someone has thrown me a tip, big or small, it makes my day.
I’ve never really directly asked for anything for my time and efforts (…outside of putting a big ‘donate to beer fund’ button in the about tab of eehack, which will be in the next version…)
The timing has been really great, my wife has been out of work for some time now, so my car budget is shot, and my clutch throw-out bearing is starting to sound like it’s possessed by demons. Now I can afford a proper replacement.
Your donations have really demonstrated to me that:
Just a few more things to tidy up, and 4.0 should be released soon!
Released a minor bug fix version that solves a few minor problems with coolant temp spark advance display/editing (related to bias) and some maf table values weren’t updating for some reason.
Also includes a new “Unknown Spark Adder” in the experimental section. Although it’s really not very well understood yet, you should try setting to zero, especially if you’re getting additional WOT spark and don’t know why, some people are reporting good results.
What’s in store for the next release??
First off, since it’s now a flash tool, the next version will start transparently patching your bins as they’re programming for more/faster/better data to play with. Since we’re the flash tool and the logger, we can slip in some code into the unused aldl modes and messages. There is a bunch of unused aldl code that can be abused for more data.
These patches will be silent and safe, and have a persistently stored version byte (which can be fetched immediately on connection) so EEHack will tell you if your ECM version and EEHack version are out of sync, and enable enhanced features only with the correct patches installed.
First patch is an easy one, I have constructed a shorter message for speed logging which doubles the sample rate (if you don’t mind giving up error codes, a/c temperature, or anything else useless for actual tuning…)
A kind LT1 enthusiast is donating a wideband to me, which is a BIG deal since now I’m inspired a bit…
Tweaking the datastream opens up some possibilities, as does kur4o’s recent patch to enable memory dumps on the e-side just like the t-side already has. With open loop AFR target in the datastream and higher sampler rate and direct access to the bin, this means the analyzer can compare open loop AFR target with actual wideband AFR at an increased resolution, giving you an accurately corrected VE table with no messing around or reflashing while you’re building it. The existing tables themselves, if required, can be dumped from the bin without reading the whole thing…
Hell you can even force open loop without flashing, so the idea is, if you have a wideband and you feel your AFR is drifting out of whack, just click connect, force open loop, take a drive, and hit ‘analyze’ when you get home.
What about the flash tool?
Other than more stress testing and stabilization… It’s getting way faster data rates too, abusing the fact that EEProms erase to 0xFF (11111111) to decrease the serial bottleneck. This means that 0xFF bytes don’t need to be transmitted for them to be programmed, they’re already in the correct state we just have to play with chunk sizes a bit to reduce write traffic in certain areas.
We can also blank out unused/unreachable sections of the bin, for example, automatic transmission tables in manual bins don’t matter, and MAF tables in VE only bins don’t matter either. This is also transparent, and doesn’t involve modifying your bin as it’s stored on disk. Could save thousands of bytes, and with our already existing single-sided write, we could be sitting around waiting for flashes a lot less…..
Stay tuned.